Catherine DanaAssociate Teaching ProfessorFrench
Catherine Dana, Senior Lecturer in French (M.A. and Ph.D. in French, Yale University; M.A. in Film and Media Studies, Emory University); French and Francophone Literature and Culture of the 20th and 21th centuries. French and Francophone Film. History of French and Francophone Film. Writing in French. Holocaust studies. Postcolonial Literature of the Mediterranean Basin. Questions of immigration and exile - second and third generations. Core faculty at the Tam Institute for Jewish Studies.
Author of Fictions pour mémoire: Camus, Perec et l'écriture de la shoah, (L’Harmattan, 1998);co-editor of La Méditerranée des juifs: exodes et enracinements (L’Harmattan, 2002) and published articles in Les Temps modernes, French Forum and Revue des Sciences Humaines on fiction by authors whose parents were foreign-born. Author of novels En attendant l'Amérique (Nadeau, 2004) and Première suée de sel (Fayard, 2006). She is currently writing her third novel.