Perrine GaudryVisiting Assistant ProfessorFrench
PhD. French Studies, Emory University
Graduate certificates: Psychoanalysis, Gender Studies, GCoP (Global Communities of Practice), TPC+R (Technology, Pedagogy, Curriculum + Research), and ECOTS (Emory College Online Teaching Strategies)
Certificat de l’aptitude au professorat de l’enseignement du second degré (CAPES) in Philosophy, [Passed the Ministry of Education Philosophy Teachers’ Recruitment Competition]
Second eligibility for agrégation in Philosophy
MA, Philosophy, Paul-Valéry University, Montpellier
Undergraduate Studies in Music therapy, Paul-Valéry University, Montpellier
Undergraduate and Graduate Courses in Photography at Emory, SCA, GSU, ICP and ISSP
Philosophy Graduate Seminars at Emory (“Feminism and Deconstruction”; “Foucault”; “Politics in Deconstruction”, “Sexuality and Metaphysics”; “Kant, Spivak, Mignolo”)
Perrine Gaudry is a philosophy teacher from the French Ministry and currently a Visiting Assistant Professor in the French department at Emory for the academic year 2023-24. Her research focuses on gender studies and photography, and she is also a practicing photographer, with a particular interest in promoting the visibility of LGBTQI minorities. Her research is rooted in gender studies, photography, continental philosophy, psychoanalysis, and the histories of art, medicine, ideas, as well as digital humanities.
Her dissertation, entitled 'The Virtual Archive of Gender,' focuses on the intersection of gender and photography in France, beginning from the 19th century. Its primary objective is to illuminate the significant role of gender/queer photography in not only illustrating but also constructing notions of gender and sexual minorities. To achieve this, she introduces an original method that combines visual and conceptual thinking, utilizing montage and demontage of images, ideas, and texts to deconstruct prevailing images of gender and sexual identities and then creatively reassemble them to present broader and more diverse representations.
Her current research project draws upon her dissertation. She investigates the depiction of the intersex figure in photography during the late 19th and early 20th centuries in France and the present day. She aims to unveil historical portrayals of the intersex figure and generate new photographic representations that challenge gender discrimination. She proposes that photography's emergence played a crucial role in making the intersex person a visible and contentious subject, questioning binary gender norms. Investigating the visualization of the hermaphroditic figure in the 19th century, alongside its significance in medical discourse and popular culture, illuminates contemporary movements and their evolving visibility.
Recent Publications
Perrine Gaudry (2023) On liminality, Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory, DOI: 10.1080/0740770X.2023.2206192
Perrine Gaudry (2023) Photographie et réserve d’imaginaire, Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 27:3, 407-416, DOI: 10.1080/17409292.2023.2225375