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Angela PorcarelliAssociate Teaching ProfessorItalian


Ph.D. in Italian Literature, Indiana University, 2012


Angela Porcarelli is an Associate Teaching Professor of Italian. Her primary research focuses on early moderntheories and literary expressions of comedy –especially in the genre of the beffa and its tradition established in Boccaccio’s Decameron. She has also investigated the ways in which cultural processes and spatial forms interact and shape the identity of Italian cities. On this subject, she has co-edited the volume Interpreting Urban Spaces in Italian Cultures. (ed. Andrea Scapolo and Angela Porcarelli) (Amsterdan University Press, 2022). Angela Porcarelli has also worked in the field of Italian film studies and specifically in the cinema of Federico Fellini and Pier Paolo Pasolini. On the theme of Realism and meta-representation in Pasolini’s cinema she published chapters in the edited volumes Pier Paolo Pasolini: In Living Memory (ed. M. Bergonzoni and B. Lawton) (New Academia Publishing, 2008) and Il cinema di Marco Tullio Giordana: Interventi critici (ed. F. Colleoni, E. Dalla Torre and I. Lanslots) (Vecchiarelli, 2014). She curated the exhibition Fellini and Fantasyhosted by the Carlos Museum of Emory University in the fall of 2022. Angela Porcarelli is also interested in translation theories and practices. She has translated into English a selection of short stories from the collection Bestie by Federigo Tozzi (Journal of Italian Translation, Fall 2022). She has also taught all levels of Italian language and culture and is interested in second language pedagogy and the application of pedagogical translanguaging to language classes.