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Judy Raggi MooreProfessor of Pedagogy EmeritaItalian


Dottore in Lingua e Letteratura Moderne, Università degli Studi di Roma, 1980


Judy Raggi Moore, Professor of Pedagogy Emerita, Italian Studies Program (Dottore in Lingua e Letteratura Moderne, Università degli Studi di Roma, 1980): Second language pedagogy and cultural studies.

Creator of the groundbreaking Italian Virtual Class (I.V.C.) culture and second language acquisition method & co-author with Christine Ristaino of the three volumes of Italian Virtual Class, Chiavi di Lettura, Volumes 1, 2, 3 (Emory University Office of Technology Transfer, 2007, 2008). Dr. Moore has co-authored several papers on the topic of second language acquisition and teaching language through cultural studies. She also co-authored a book chapter in Teaching Italian and Italian Culture (Cambridge Scholarly Press). A native of Italy, Dr. Moore is the director of study abroad semester and summer opportunities in Italy and conducts a yearly interdisciplinary summer study program in Italy. Italian Studies has recently partnered with the School of Medicine to create an ideal medical humanities course for undergraduates entitled Medicine and Compassion, which is co-taught with Emory medical faculty in Italy.