Placement Exams
French Exam
Back to topPlacement into French courses is now done by an online placement exam. Details are below.
According to Emory College’s General Education Requirements (GER), each student must pursue study of a language other than the student's native language by taking eight credit hours in a single foreign language beyond the student's level of preparation upon entering college. Students are expected to develop a familiarity with a second language to enhance their understanding of other peoples and cultures.
The language requirement of the GER may be satisfied by:
- taking two language courses at Emory,
- receiving transfer credit from another accredited institution in accordance with the rules for transfer credit, or
- receiving a score of 4 or 5 on the foreign language or literature Advanced Placement Test or a score of 5, 6 or 7 on the International Baccalaureate Exam (which is credited as the equivalent of one, 4-credit language course at Emory) and then taking the appropriate sequential course at Emory as determined in consultation with the appropriate language department.
Find out more information about the General Education Requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who has to take the exam?
This placement test is for incoming students and current Emory Students only. Those who have studied French before coming to Emory should take the online placement test to determine which course is best suited to their abilities. Any other use is unauthorized.
What is it?
The online placement exam is comprised of a brief survey and a series of multiple-choice questions that takes about 20 minutes to complete.
This exam is FOR STUDENTS WHO ARE ENROLLED AT EMORY and will not be evaluated if you DO NOT:
- include your Emory ID and email, and/or
- answer all questions to the best of your ability and/or
- complete the survey portion of the exam as completely and accurately as possible, providing calendar years where and when appropriate.
NB: The French Placement Exam is to be completed in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Emory College Honor Code, and every student who applies to and is accepted by Emory College, as a condition of acceptance, agrees to abide by the provisions of the Honor Code so long as he or she remains a student at Emory College.
Sections 4 (c) and 4 (d) of the Honor Code cite the following types of academic misconduct as grounds for reprimand or expulsion:
(c) Seeking, using, giving, or obtaining unauthorized assistance or information in any academic assignment or examination;
(d) Intentionally giving false information to professors or instructors for the purpose of gaining academic advantage. This would include giving any false answers on the survey portion of the placement exam.
You are therefore expected to complete the French Placement Exam individually, without help from others, and to complete it to the best of your ability.
By continuing from this page to the actual Placement Exam, you automatically accept and re-affirm your pledge to abide by the Honor Code of Emory University.
How will I be notified of my official French placement (OFP)?
You will receive an email from the Department of French and Italian before you register for courses. You should save it, print out a copy and present it to your teacher the first day of class. Students without OFPs who have never studied French at the Atlanta campus will be forced to drop classes unless proper documentation is provided.
How do I login to the exam?
You will need to create an account to take the placement test.
Italian Exam
Back to topDear Students,
Benvenuti a Emory! If you are entering the university with no prior experience with the Italian language, please register for Italian 101. Italian is a very popular language, and most begin without any prior knowledge. If you have studied Italian formally, that is, in a classroom setting, or you have learned significant Italian from family members who are speakers of Italian; you will need to contact me to discuss your placement into the appropriate class. As such I find that a personal conversation is far more effective than a placement exam. It also allows me to get to know you as you begin your studies with us.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have.
Director of Italian Undergraduate Studies