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Lukas OvromVisiting Assistant ProfessorFrench


Ph.D., French and Medieval Studies, UC, Berkeley, 2021


Lukas Ovrom works on medieval French literature and culture, with an emphasis on the emergence and development of the romance genre in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. His current book project is a study of omission, incompletion, and related practices in the romances of Chrétien de Troyes that situates Chrétien’s distinctive poetics in relation to the dynamics of textual transmission in the Middle Ages, twelfth-century dialectics, and reception theory. He is also active as a translator.

 Additional teaching and research interests: farce theatre; romances and novels (“roman”); digital humanities; gender and language; history of French


“Le ‘Picart’ de Pathelin entre fiction et réalité linguistique.” In Christine Ferlampin-Acher and Fabienne Pomel, eds. Encyclopédique Moyen Âge. Mélanges en l’honneur de Denis Hüe (Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2021): 271-81.

 “Lion-Keu-Coupé: A Missing Link in Yvain or Le Chevalier au Lion.” New Medieval Literatures 20 (2020): 1-45.

 “Lancelot innocenté? Étude sur un témoin tardif de La Mort le roi Artu (MS. BnF, FR. 120).” Romania 134.2 (2016): 261-93.